
Group Finn Sixpack


Henrik is the founder of the Group Finn Sixpack established in 2010. It has arranged several exhibitions abroad and in Finland. The Group Finn Sixpack's activities can be found in the following documents









Personal Exhibition_Catalog_Stockholm 2013.pdf






Other exhibition were for instance in Kouvola in 2013,Tampere 2013 and Mäntsälä in 2012 and 2013. One exhibition was in Järvenpää 2014. 

A large portion of the paintings were sold in the exhibitions. Some paintings are still available, inquire Henrik if there is something you like. 


Keywords: moisture sensor, moisture meter, IRMA-7, IRMA7, process moisture meter, superfast moisture meter, near infrared moisture meter, on-line moisture gauge, on-line moisture meter, online moisture meter, high speed moisture meter, fast moisture meter, moisture sensor, infrared moisture sensor, process moisture meter,
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